Friday, July 1, 2016

manhhai photos


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Vietnam War 1966 - Overhead view of soldiers stationed at Cam Ranh Bay gathered around a small stage for a USO show featuring Leigh Ann Austin, Miss Texas 1961. Photo by Larry Burrows by manhhai
Vietnam War 1967 - SSG Howard G. Breedlove, Combat Photographer, DASPO by manhhai
1965 An Khe 'Golf Course', the helipad of the 1st Cavalry Division - Photo by Larry Burrows by manhhai
Vietnam War 1967 - Marines unloading gun during operation Deckhouse - Photo by Larry Burrows by manhhai
Vietnam War 1968 - Fighting Near The Newport Bridge - Photo by Larry Burrows by manhhai
Vietnam War...Vietnam War...1965 An Khe...Vietnam War...Vietnam War...
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