Friday, November 13, 2015

New items to Flickr


Hi want2loan!

manhhai has uploaded new items to Flickr in the last 7 days.

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  manhhai has uploaded at least 5 items in the last 7 days.

SAIGON 1950s - Roadside w/ rickshaw, Stores by manhhai
SAIGON 1950s - Street Scene by manhhai
SAIGON 1950s - People At Ben Thanh Market by manhhai
SAIGON 1950s - Ben Thanh Market by manhhai
SAIGON 1950s - Women Pose For Camera by manhhai
SAIGON 1950s...SAIGON 1950s...SAIGON 1950s...SAIGON 1950s...SAIGON 1950s...
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Hi want2loan!

manhhai has uploaded new items to Flickr in the last 7 days.

Recent uploads from the people you follow:

  manhhai has uploaded at least 5 items in the last 7 days.

Vietnamese tanks during Cholon fight on Confucius Boulevard. 01 June 1968 - Đường Khổng Tử by manhhai
Street fighting in Cholon. June 1968 by manhhai
Roadblock set by Vietcong across Hau Giang Boulevard. 1968 by manhhai
Marines load their wounded on Jeep in street fighting. 1968 by manhhai
Correspondent George McArthur of AP. June 1968 by manhhai
Vietnamese...Street...Roadblock...Marines load...Corresponden...
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Hi want2loan!

manhhai has uploaded new items to Flickr in the last 7 days.

Recent uploads from the people you follow:

  manhhai has uploaded at least 5 items in the last 7 days.

NHA TRANG 1904-1907 - An Annamese woman with her children in our garden by manhhai
NHA TRANG 1904-1907 - Gabrielle Vassal dans une voiture - Bà Gabrielle Vassal ngồi trên xe hơi  ở Nha Trang by manhhai
Mes trois ans d'Annam - Gabrielle-M. Vassal - préface de M. Le Dr Roux. by manhhai
ON  & OFF DUTY IN ANNAM - By Gabrielle M. Vassal (London, 1910) by manhhai
SAIGON 1920s - Le marché, la gare... by manhhai
NHA TRANG...NHA TRANG...Mes trois...ON &...SAIGON 1920s...
» See more recent uploads from the people you follow here:

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